Bethel United Church

Bethel393 Manchester - Advanced Booking Form for Church Attendance

Although government restrictions on the number of people that can attend worship services and ceremonies while practising safe social distancing were lifted on the 19th July 2021, we will continue to limit the number of  people we admit to the building at any one time until further notice. In practice what this means is that less people will be allowed to enter the building during services to ensure safe social distancing. This approach was taken after consulting a cross section of the churches membership. Our overriding objective is to keep those enetering the building safe. 

In order to allocate attendees to the reduced seating capacity until further notice a "Church Attendance Advanced Booking System" has been put in place. This requires those wishing to attend a church service at the church to advise us beforehand so we can reserve a seat for them. You can advise us of your intention to attend a church service in the booking form below.

Please Click This Link If You Are Self Isolating - For Government Guidance On What To Do.

Please Note:

In adherence to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) any information you provide to us will be treated with the strictest confidentiality and only used for the purposes provided and deleted after any legal/regulatory requirements have been disharged.

Please do not attend the church service without informing us beforehand, to avoid dissapointment. 

For those who do not wish to attend the church in person, we will still be conducting church services over Zoom and YouTube as appropriate. 

The Lord Jesus Bless You .


Unless we contact you to advise you otherwise, once you have notified us of your intention to attend a service at the church via the booking form, a seat will be reserved for you.  (This does not apply to bookings made on the day of attendance, as we may not be able to accommodate your booking). Please contact the admin team with any queries. 

Church Attendance Advanced Booking Form

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